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About Anirban Chatterjee

A Bit About Anirban

Let's step right into the quirky world of Anirban, where management consulting meets wildlife escapades!

For over 18 years, he has been the maestro behind the scenes, conducting a cacophony of chaos into harmonious symphonies of success. With a track record of over 80 projects across 23 industries, He has become the Guru of Operational Excellence and Change Implementation. From turning manufacturing mishaps into marvels to herding the proverbial cats of organizational development, he has seen it all. He doesn't need the PowerPoint presentations to prove it!




But let's not get too serious now. When Anirban is not elbow-deep in spreadsheets or trying to decipher the latest corporate jargon, you can find him chasing squirrels (with his camera, of course) and pondering life's great mysteries in the great outdoors. Yes, that's right, he is a wildlife enthusiast! Because let's face it, sometimes you just need a break from the boardroom drama to commune with Mother Nature and her quirky cast of characters.


As an Associate Partner (Head of Operation) at Renoir Consulting, General Manager at Cadila Pharmaceuticals, and Principal Consultant at Frost & Sullivan, he has perfected the art of balancing spreadsheets and sunsets, pie charts and pugmarks, and everything in between.


He has an MBA (Operation & Supply Chain), an MDP (Finance & Strategy) and is certified as a Six Sigma Master Black Belt.

So, buckle up and get ready for a rollercoaster ride of laughs, lessons, and maybe even a few tiger sightings along the way. Because in the world of Anirban, business is anything but boring, and the only thing we take seriously is having a seriously good time!

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Contact Anirban

Please note that online discussion is subject to availability. However, we will try to schedule it as soon as possible. 

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